Sunday, November 22, 2009

Differences between the sexual fantasies of men and women

If a person experiences sexual fantasies can say that he had a high libido. This feature is most pronounced in the female half: those women who often lend themselves to sexual fantasies, have a strong sexual desire.

If a person experiences sexual fantasies can say that he had a high libido. This feature is most pronounced in the female half: those women who often lend themselves to sexual fantasies, have a strong sexual desire and experience greater sexual satisfaction.

Women who indulge sexual fantasies during arousal is more likely to orgasm at the end of sexual intercourse. So, if you during sex with their women is next to Angelina Jolie, do not feel strong pangs of conscience, because, perhaps, your half of that time, presents himself making love with Brad Pitt. Sexual fantasies during sexual intercourse, women are as often as men.

What does it mean.

Do not assume that a woman is unhappy with a man just because of her sexual fantasies, there is someone else. Imagination helps women to increase arousal. A woman can be in every sense of satisfaction with their man, but increases the power of orgasm fantasy and sense of fun.

What they see women and men in their fantasies

1. Men tend to present themselves with a large number of sexual partners simultaneously. In their fantasies they like to exchange partners, while women in their fantasies largely remain with one partner, although there are exceptions.

2. Men in their fantasies focus on some kind of sexual activity or body parts. Women often find it difficult to expand their imagination "on the shelves." It's just a brilliant experience, without any details. Women's fantasies almost always do without visualization of the genitals partner (male vice versa). Women in their fantasies focus on their emotional reaction to any of the partner. They are rarely able to describe it, but will give a detailed description of their image, until wardrobe items. Women are also willing to describe the feelings that cause them their fantasy.

3. A characteristic feature of women's romantic fantasies is their situation: island, sea, forest, exotic flowers, a waterfall, moonlight, etc. Many women mentioned more freedom from any external stimuli in the form of telephone, etc.

4. Women often present themselves as passive participants intercourse. But this does not mean that women fantasize about how men take their power. In the women's fantasies of such a man must usually make an effort just to break the women's resistance and then to behave gently, sensuously, in general, as women like, but they do not like rudeness.
5. Women's fantasies are more emotional, reflect the desire of women to be close to the faithful, caring partners. Men more likely to see their fantasies of having sex with several women, with a stranger, who come and go. Despite the fact that women see their fantasies of a Breda Pete, in fact, in this way there are features of her husband, her lover, but, so to speak, in the shell Breda Pete.

6. The women have bisexual fantasies more often than men, as experience sexual curiosity with regard to individuals of one sex.

7. Women's fantasies rarely include any fetishes. If a woman very much wants new shoes, her imagination is not transferred to the area of sex, but simply a fantasy about a hike in the store.

How can you use sexual fantasies?

Share with each other their fantasies, because it will help you to implement some of them in reality. If you know about the sexual fantasies to each other, you can make a surprise for your partner / partner, exercising his / her imagination.

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