Sunday, December 13, 2009

Children's hyperactivity

Many readers ask, what is hyperactivity, and differs from the hyperactive child is just active?

High motor activity characteristic of all children of preschool age. But in some cases it reaches a pathological degree.
The manifestations of hyperactivity concerned parents from the first days of life: children do not sleep, cry a lot during wakefulness is very lively, excited, sensitive to all external stimuli - light, noise, stuffiness, etc.
As they get older becomes noticeable failure of the child intently engaged in something, he can not listen to the end of the tale, jumps up, can not play quiet games; inattentive. Characteristic and emotional disturbances - unbalanced, quick temper and intolerance of failure, hence the violation of relations with children and adults. Because of the impulsive hyperactive children often fall in different revisions and receive endless comments from adults. But do not hurry to blame them, shame and punish. Understand that all this happens by itself, and your child is not intentionally violate the rules of conduct. Incidentally, it should be remembered, and that a reprimand to permanent baby soon gets used and no longer pay attention to them. Much more useful for the restless will attempt to build a relationship based on mutual assistance, where you are, of course, play an active role. From those efforts, which you attach to the baby's recovery depends on its future.
Hearing from the doctor's diagnosis of "hyperactivity", do not panic, try to be patient and proceed with the case. Try to understand that constant stimulation baby tired, not only you but for him, but unlike adults, the child can not cope with this alone. Must be connected to your studies with child care.
Before talking about treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes hyperactivity of the child. Of course, the syndrome of hyperactivity in violation of attention not occur on level ground. Any problems during pregnancy and childbirth can have various unpleasant consequences, which usually does not occur immediately after birth, but after some time.
It is about the threat of miscarriage, hypoxia, asphyxia during birth using auxiliary means (eg, forceps), rapid or, conversely, prolonged, traumatic childbirth. Very high fetal activity may precede the appearance of the child hyperactivity syndrome.
The reason for the active behavior of the baby is a lack of oxygen - a chronic fetal hypoxia. This usually occurs in smokers or women with prolonged labor.

Now treatment
First of all, it should be noted that the earlier treatment begins, the sooner reached the desired effect. Unfortunately, parents are beginning to understand that the child is ill, when due to all the above reasons for the backlog in training becomes evident.
Cranio-sacral therapy - one of the main methods of treatment of this pathology. This posttraumatic therapy. It removes the effects of birth trauma - cause hyperactivity and all phenomena related to it.

So, summing up all the above, it is important to understand:
1) As soon as possible seek to treatment - FTC (cranio-sacral therapy).
2) must be attentive, patient, affectionate treatment of the child from family.
The result is certainly not slow to appear.
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