Begins defoliation, but the lawn still have to mow at least once. It's time to start preparing land for the winter and planted bulbs of spring flowers - tulips and hyacinths. Free time again, he will not. What is this good? In fact, a lot: you are waiting for a real fitness directly on your own site. So, most of the rakes and - forward!
Work in the garden and on the site develops endurance, flexibility, strength and provides an excellent opportunity to control their weight. Raking in a pile and put in bags fallen leaves, manage mower or wheelbarrow - these lessons well trained heart, lungs, circulatory system and make you healthier.
Bends and stretches the muscles relax and at the same time help to preserve joint mobility. Digging the earth in the garden, carrying the cut branches strengthen muscles and bones.
However, if you're not working at the site regularly, and your body is not ready to load, then before taking a shovel, consult with your doctor. Actually, talk to your doctor never hurts, if you charge for the physical work or embark on a sports training.
Burn calories
When you rakes leaves, putting them in bags, and then another, and to drag those bags to the fence you burn about 330 calories per hour. Crop postured to dig the garden and help to get rid of 400 calories. Working hand-mower entire burn 490 calories, and electric - about 300. At Turf installation guide, weeding and planting of trees will need at least 360 kcal.
In addition, work on the site and in the garden will help you relieve stress and at the same time to think about their problems or to dream. And as a result of all these efforts you still feel pride for their own achievements.
Total between the work on site and regular exercise:
* By pushing a manual mower, you train the muscles of the legs and arms and shoulders.
* Kopaj, lifting weights, strengthens abdominal muscles and perform squats.
* Power consumption with comparable companies are the power consumption during aerobics and swimming.
* During the weeding you train the muscles of the forearms and perform squats.
* Exercise when you carry firewood, cleaning the area, dragging branches and laying turf similar to the load during class cycling.
* For 45 minutes of work on the site, you can burn as many calories as 30 minutes aerobics.
Activities for older
Even moderate exercise, such as raking leaves, can benefit an older person, to prevent or delay many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and hypertension. These include reducing the risk of developing colon cancer.
Physical activity and osteoporosis
Studies have shown that pulse pressure and exercises with weights - the best way to maintain bone mass. For similar types of training are also jumping through the rope and jogging.
Working with a rake
Raking leaves, it is important not to hurt my back and pull the waist. Here are some techniques that will facilitate your work:
* Before you take up a rake and a little walk around and gently stretch a few times.
* Do not twist the body and do not bend at the waist, leaning to the leaves. Just put the feet shoulder-width apart, putting one foot forward, and raking leaves toward you.
* Do not try to do the work for one day. You are not going to run distance of 10 km on the first day of jogging, so do not try to collect all the leaves at a time.
* Take a break and stretch so your muscles are rested. Put your hands on your lower back and, without bending the legs, rotten ago. Then raise your arms up and stretch as high as possible to the sky.
* Diversify traffic during the work with a rake. Change your hand position so that the entire load is not accounted for on one hand.
* When do I have to be picked up the bag with leaves, sit down (instead of bend). Raising the bag, try not to twist the body. If it is necessary to turn, try to turn his whole body.
* After running, stretch again to relieve tension and muscle pain.
Rx Oregon
Friday, September 18, 2009
Work in the garden is pleasant and helpful
Surely you've heard that products with high content of calcium beneficial for bones. But did you know that the work in the garden and on the site can play an equally important role in strengthening the skeletal system?
The doctors found that women, many working in the garden, after 50 years, bone density is higher than that of their yearling, who were engaged in swimming, aerobics, dancing or jogging.
Gardening and work on the site are a variety of strength training. Lesson not nezhenok: where to dig, weed kosish weeds or grass, have to make efforts, and this kind of heavy lifting. It turned out that such exercises a positive influence on bone and prevent the development of osteoporosis-related diseases with destruction of bone tissue.
In the U.S., osteoporosis affects nearly 10 million people and another 34 million are at risk.
My favorite garden
It was discovered a new tool to combat osteoporosis in women. Certainly the majority of women in the middle and adults prefer to care for roses, instead of lifting weights in the gym.
But not only women like this work. Many do not perceive it as physical exercise. Gardeners are proud of their beautiful plants and love to stay outdoors. They continue to work in the garden, while they lack the forces.
Mineralization and bone density increases, any physical activity - biking, aerobics, dancing, gardening or yoga exercises. But when studied the effect of each of these types of activity, they found that women older than 50, only two of them led to a significant increase in bone density - gardening and yoga exercises.
It follows from these types of physical activity, gardening is the most popular: almost half of women in this age group is engaged in gardening at least once a week. Because they enjoy it, work in the garden, no doubt, be considered one of the most effective means of prevention against osteoporosis.
Additional benefits that a person is outdoors. Staying in the sun stimulates the production of vitamin D, and he, in turn, helps absorption of calcium in the body.
Exercises to strengthen bones
Polls show that very few can name the exercises for strengthening bones. Almost half of adults mistakenly believe that you need special strength training and fitness equipment. While these exercises are really useful to strengthen the skeletal system, the daily housework, which is not without weight lifting, can easily replace weight training.
Very useful as walking, dancing and playing tennis. The best way to make it part of their lifestyle. To maintain strength and bone strength, power exercises to do at least 30 minutes four or five times a week.
For bone health is particularly useful for dancing and walking, and swimming and cycling excellent train the cardiovascular system, but almost no effect on the state of bone tissue.
Here are examples of strength training:
* Walking
* Intensive work in the garden
* Jogging
* Aerobics
* The rise of the stairs
* Skiing
* Soccer
* Tennis
* Dances
* Skates
* Tourism
Always consult your doctor if your sports are contraindicated.
But there are easier ways to add strength training into their daily lives.
* Go out with a dog (you can walk with the dog and the neighbor, if you do not) and walk for 30 minutes (or twice a day for 15 minutes).
* Walk with colleagues during a lunch break.
* Instead of the elevator go up the stairs on foot - in the office, in the store, in the subway, wherever possible.
* Engaged in work in the garden at least 30 minutes four times a week. Then pohorosheet your garden and will look great yourself.
Rx Alaska
The doctors found that women, many working in the garden, after 50 years, bone density is higher than that of their yearling, who were engaged in swimming, aerobics, dancing or jogging.
Gardening and work on the site are a variety of strength training. Lesson not nezhenok: where to dig, weed kosish weeds or grass, have to make efforts, and this kind of heavy lifting. It turned out that such exercises a positive influence on bone and prevent the development of osteoporosis-related diseases with destruction of bone tissue.
In the U.S., osteoporosis affects nearly 10 million people and another 34 million are at risk.
My favorite garden
It was discovered a new tool to combat osteoporosis in women. Certainly the majority of women in the middle and adults prefer to care for roses, instead of lifting weights in the gym.
But not only women like this work. Many do not perceive it as physical exercise. Gardeners are proud of their beautiful plants and love to stay outdoors. They continue to work in the garden, while they lack the forces.
Mineralization and bone density increases, any physical activity - biking, aerobics, dancing, gardening or yoga exercises. But when studied the effect of each of these types of activity, they found that women older than 50, only two of them led to a significant increase in bone density - gardening and yoga exercises.
It follows from these types of physical activity, gardening is the most popular: almost half of women in this age group is engaged in gardening at least once a week. Because they enjoy it, work in the garden, no doubt, be considered one of the most effective means of prevention against osteoporosis.
Additional benefits that a person is outdoors. Staying in the sun stimulates the production of vitamin D, and he, in turn, helps absorption of calcium in the body.
Exercises to strengthen bones
Polls show that very few can name the exercises for strengthening bones. Almost half of adults mistakenly believe that you need special strength training and fitness equipment. While these exercises are really useful to strengthen the skeletal system, the daily housework, which is not without weight lifting, can easily replace weight training.
Very useful as walking, dancing and playing tennis. The best way to make it part of their lifestyle. To maintain strength and bone strength, power exercises to do at least 30 minutes four or five times a week.
For bone health is particularly useful for dancing and walking, and swimming and cycling excellent train the cardiovascular system, but almost no effect on the state of bone tissue.
Here are examples of strength training:
* Walking
* Intensive work in the garden
* Jogging
* Aerobics
* The rise of the stairs
* Skiing
* Soccer
* Tennis
* Dances
* Skates
* Tourism
Always consult your doctor if your sports are contraindicated.
But there are easier ways to add strength training into their daily lives.
* Go out with a dog (you can walk with the dog and the neighbor, if you do not) and walk for 30 minutes (or twice a day for 15 minutes).
* Walk with colleagues during a lunch break.
* Instead of the elevator go up the stairs on foot - in the office, in the store, in the subway, wherever possible.
* Engaged in work in the garden at least 30 minutes four times a week. Then pohorosheet your garden and will look great yourself.
Rx Alaska
I do not want to grow old
Each morning, Jo Sotak goes for walks and runs more than three kilometers. She was 76 years. She has a healthy heart and no diabetes, or urinary incontinence, or hypertension, or osteoporosis or cancer. It lacks support, walker or cane. True, Joe high cholesterol and osteoarthritis, but she regularly takes her prescribed medication.
Seeing Joe, hardly anyone would think of her as "old lady". She and do not consider themselves in that category.
When a man 70, 80 or 90, aging becomes a definite challenge. Old age is not necessarily familiar with walker or cane. Your goal - not only to live a long life, but live it so as to remain as much as possible healthy and strong.
The key to independence, good physical and mental shape in old age is not to think about end of life as the years of infirmity and helplessness. Look at yourself as a strong, independent and intelligent man.
A recent study conducted at Yale University (USA), showed that the more time older people spend watching television, the more negative is their idea of old age. Participants in the study, whose ages ranged from 60 to 92 years, divided into two groups. Both groups kept diaries of television viewing, and one of them additionally recorded, as viewed in television were represented elderly. As a result of this second group, better understand how a negative image of old age in television: the elderly are very rarely appeared on television and often became the subject of ridicule.
Studies of American cardiologists have also shown that although the physical condition is deteriorating with age, exercise can significantly improve health.
Researchers once in 4 years tested on a treadmill 375 men and 435 women aged 21-87 years. It turned out that the deterioration of physical fitness in 20 to 30 year old was 3%, and the elderly over 70 years - 20%.
The good news is that regular exercise can improve the physical form in old age by 15-20%, which is equivalent to the opportunity to lose 10-20 years of age and become physically younger.
With age, muscle elasticity decrease. Every 10 years, muscle strength decreases by 10%. Strength training can significantly slow down the process.
Here are some common myths about aging:
Myth: to be old - it means to be sick.
Fact: in the U.S. today, only 5% of older persons in need of constant care and live in nursing homes. Modern methods of medical care and medicines, healthy lifestyles, including diet and physical activity, help people live a long life and preserve health in old age.
Myth: older people can not learn anything new.
Fact: not true. To maintain a sharp mind, must exercise it regularly, maintain good relationships with friends and relatives, to find interesting and bring joy classes and believe in yourself.
Myth: in old age is too late to become healthy.
Fact: take care of their health is never too late. Even if you are not completely healthy, you can reduce the risk of heart attack or diabetes, if you eat right and train.
Myth: it all depends on heredity.
Fact: some symptoms of aging, as well as some diseases can be prevented. However, proper nutrition and physical activity can significantly improve your health. In addition, medications can help, and regular examinations by a doctor. And of course, if you smoke, give up this habit as soon as possible.
Positive attitude and caring about their own health is not completely eliminate the risk of various diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. However, your body will have more forces in combat.
Rx California
Seeing Joe, hardly anyone would think of her as "old lady". She and do not consider themselves in that category.
When a man 70, 80 or 90, aging becomes a definite challenge. Old age is not necessarily familiar with walker or cane. Your goal - not only to live a long life, but live it so as to remain as much as possible healthy and strong.
The key to independence, good physical and mental shape in old age is not to think about end of life as the years of infirmity and helplessness. Look at yourself as a strong, independent and intelligent man.
A recent study conducted at Yale University (USA), showed that the more time older people spend watching television, the more negative is their idea of old age. Participants in the study, whose ages ranged from 60 to 92 years, divided into two groups. Both groups kept diaries of television viewing, and one of them additionally recorded, as viewed in television were represented elderly. As a result of this second group, better understand how a negative image of old age in television: the elderly are very rarely appeared on television and often became the subject of ridicule.
Studies of American cardiologists have also shown that although the physical condition is deteriorating with age, exercise can significantly improve health.
Researchers once in 4 years tested on a treadmill 375 men and 435 women aged 21-87 years. It turned out that the deterioration of physical fitness in 20 to 30 year old was 3%, and the elderly over 70 years - 20%.
The good news is that regular exercise can improve the physical form in old age by 15-20%, which is equivalent to the opportunity to lose 10-20 years of age and become physically younger.
With age, muscle elasticity decrease. Every 10 years, muscle strength decreases by 10%. Strength training can significantly slow down the process.
Here are some common myths about aging:
Myth: to be old - it means to be sick.
Fact: in the U.S. today, only 5% of older persons in need of constant care and live in nursing homes. Modern methods of medical care and medicines, healthy lifestyles, including diet and physical activity, help people live a long life and preserve health in old age.
Myth: older people can not learn anything new.
Fact: not true. To maintain a sharp mind, must exercise it regularly, maintain good relationships with friends and relatives, to find interesting and bring joy classes and believe in yourself.
Myth: in old age is too late to become healthy.
Fact: take care of their health is never too late. Even if you are not completely healthy, you can reduce the risk of heart attack or diabetes, if you eat right and train.
Myth: it all depends on heredity.
Fact: some symptoms of aging, as well as some diseases can be prevented. However, proper nutrition and physical activity can significantly improve your health. In addition, medications can help, and regular examinations by a doctor. And of course, if you smoke, give up this habit as soon as possible.
Positive attitude and caring about their own health is not completely eliminate the risk of various diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. However, your body will have more forces in combat.
Rx California
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